It's been a few days now since Mac miller's death, yet it still affects me.
Growing up Mac Miller was one of the first artists I listened to that exposed me to the rap genre. Recommended by a friend of mine, I decided to give a few songs a listen and diverage from my indie rock phase. I was very stubborn when it came to music, I liked what I liked and would often dismiss anything else that did not conform to my bubble. However Mac miller seemed to be different, his flow and energy was unlike anything my teenage ears had heard and it was my gateway into rap and hip-hop.
Since that day in 2011 I have owned every one of Mac's ablums, and I could speak endlessly on the importance of his music and the affect it had on me. His music tapped into thoughts and emotions that every human feels and this can be strongly be heard in his 2003 album ‘Watching movies with the sound off’. Personally one of my favourite albums ever made and one of my most played on iTunes, I still remember looping the album for weeks while drawing and not once having to skip a track. I could write a short essay on this album alone as it touches on many important topics and feelings.
RIP Mac.
Since that day in 2011 I have owned every one of Mac's ablums, and I could speak endlessly on the importance of his music and the affect it had on me. His music tapped into thoughts and emotions that every human feels and this can be strongly be heard in his 2003 album ‘Watching movies with the sound off’. Personally one of my favourite albums ever made and one of my most played on iTunes, I still remember looping the album for weeks while drawing and not once having to skip a track. I could write a short essay on this album alone as it touches on many important topics and feelings.
RIP Mac.

Photographs shot on
Expired 35mm Superia 200 Film + Moto G

Often when you think of London the first few images are crowded streets and an amalgamation of architecture. However Richmond park has alterd my view of London and expanded it’s already wide offering of environments. Being the largest of London's Royal Parks, it is quite surreal to think it is part of the city, it is of national and international importance for wildlife conservation and is also a royal deer park.
On a still day in May myself and photographer friend Jack decided travel from north to south and took a trip to the park armed with our cameras to shoot some deer.
We did not see any deer.
But we did see some cows.
On a still day in May myself and photographer friend Jack decided travel from north to south and took a trip to the park armed with our cameras to shoot some deer.
We did not see any deer.
But we did see some cows.

Photographs shot on:
1996 Expired 35mm Ilford FP4 124 Film

I have never understood scale.
8.1 million people.
More than 300 languages.
607 squared miles.
These are just numbers until you see it.
I visited the Shard one afternoon with a few friends to get a glimpse of the view and was not disapointed. A must if you are visiting the city.
8.1 million people.
More than 300 languages.
607 squared miles.
These are just numbers until you see it.
I visited the Shard one afternoon with a few friends to get a glimpse of the view and was not disapointed. A must if you are visiting the city.